My loves

My loves

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Yes Im still here

Alot has been going on with this past week! ALOT!!! that is why I'm here now! I have been absent the past week! Where to begin? I don't have many pictures with this post seeing that I was on the Go and at home to much! But. Here I go!

Tuesday 2-15-2011

Okay Camp, lets start with this. I still had not seen that Little metal knob that you thought was so good, So I started looking into another Doctor. I finally found one that I loved! His nurses were on top of their game and got with it! This made me happy! They scheduled another X-Ray Immediately that day!

So we got our things together and headed to the Doctor's Office in
Searcy. Picked up your Script from the nurse to get the X-Ray then headed to the Hospital! We waited for just a few minutes until we were all checked in and then The nice man took us up to the X-Ray room.

You did not like having this done! I had to hold you down with another nurse helping me why you cried the whole time! I know that BIG o'l Machine scared you!

Once they were done, They took it to the other room and all 5 people in the Room looked at it so oddly, Leading me to think that it was still in you!
We headed home and you started a Fever! This began our long week of a sick baby boy!

Calleigh went to the Valentines Party with Aunt Leah, Joe and Sam, We were supposed to go, But I was worried you would get the other kiddos sick! So We hung out at home!

Wednesday 2-16-2011

After dropping Calleigh off at school, I took you back to the doctor. We met our new doctor this day! Dr. Ben Wilkins. He let us in on the results of the X-Ray from the day before and Waaala, NO KNOB!!!!! YAY. I was so happy. NO more poo smashing for me! NOPE!!!! I was so excited. I'm pretty sure you liked teasing me each day for the last 2 weeks with this! :)

He said you were all good and looked the size of a 2 year old! Dr. Wilkins said that you were over the 90th percentile in height and weight and that at the rate your growing your looking to be 6ft when your fully grown! WOW. I cant seem to think of my little man this Big. :(

Then we headed to Grannahs Office to make a fast Visit,

You always Love sitting on her Lap, drinking her coffee's and messing with her work!

We were wasting time until Ginger got out of school and Aunt Elecia made it to Judsonia so we could all go eat lunch at KJ's. It was a fun time of course. Us girls had such a fun laugh about everything. Camp, You just walked around and didn't really care what we were talking about! We then headed home!

We had church that night and all was good,

Thursday 2-17-2011

We stayed home. You were sick with the stomach bug and did not feel good at all! So it was pretty much a boring day!

Friday 2-18-2011

Another day spent at home, However, This day was BEAUTIFUL outside and we could not take part in it, You were still sick, So to give me something to do, I got the Crazy Idea to PAINT the other 4 rooms in our home to finish it all! So You and I head off to
Garths and get 4 gallons of Paint. I started Calleigh's Room first b/c, She has been begging to get it done for a while now! The color: Gleeful Green.

Calleigh, Your room is so cute with green on the walls, So I did it all up for ya! Took forever with a sick baby, But I managed and got it done! I hit up the Hall bathroom next. That did not take long at all, Super small anyways.

Saturday 2-19-2011

Camp, this was your worst day, You laid around all day, Cried, Wanted to be held and cuddled, I loved that part, But felt so bad for you that you were so sick. Corey stayed home with the kids while I ran uptown to get lots of fluids.
  • 1st stop Dollar General : Sprite
  • 2nd stop Main Street Grocery: Jello packs, They told me that they were out of Pedialyte and that Jello mix watered down works just as well, I never knew this.
  • 3rd stop Palace Drug Store: Finally found the Pedialyte and Freezer Pops
  • 4th stop Harveys Gas Station: Corey wanted Peace Tea. so I had to make sure I got it for him! haha,
I finally make it home and start the fluids on Camp. He slowly started getting back to normal, During his nap, I did Nothing b/c I was so worn out from caring for him. needless to say, it was a bad weekend to do painting and Relax. I felt so bad for him!

Calleigh enjoyed the weekend however! I was glad for her! Later that night I started and finished Camps room in the painting area! So Cute! I started on our bathroom. Didn't finish it. I was too sleepy!

Sunday 2-20-2011

Corey and
Calleigh headed off to Church while Camp and I stayed home. He was too sick to get out and off to church. He laid around and slept the whole time! after a long nap, Corey and Calleigh came home. She was so excited to show me her Sunday school work she did. She's always so proud to show it off. Calleigh laid down and napped, Corey did to and I stayed up and made sure the kiddos were okay!

Once He woke up, they were up too and then I laid down. Once I woke up, Corey was telling me to look at Camp, I sit up off of the Couch and Camp is in the floor next to me asleep with his blanket!

Corey said he had cried for me so much that he passed out asleep on the floor. I felt So bad, I guess I was so tired that I snoozed through every bit of it! He looked so peaceful though! Sweet Baby.

Later in the day, We grilled fish for dinner and made some yummy seasoned potatoes in the oven with green beans and hot rolls. YUM! we all sat at our table and talked about the day! We made a fast trip up town after dinner to help Corey's' Friend unload a chair and move it into his house! Came home and Relaxed. Camp had started to feel somewhat better. But not fully just yet!

Monday 2-21-2011

Calleigh was off to school yet again! I feel like she is always gone! I miss her so much, But am so proud of how she is learning.

While at home, Camp wanted to watch a movie so I put in this DVD that Poppie bought him. A Children's Church songs video in Calleigh's Room! He Loved it! you have to see the video to really get it! He's so cute!

This was Parent / Teacher Conference day as well, School let out at 12:45 and My appt. with the teacher was at 2:45. Once we got there. I sat down with her teacher and began to talk. She goes on to tell me How Well behaved Calleigh is at school, She always listens, always, responds when asked to do something, she always finishes her work, She always eats every meal and all of it! Veggies and all. and Stays Focused in what she is doing! While being told this, I am just so amazed, Not because I don't think my little girl is Smart, But b/c she is completely opposite at home!
  • 1: She misbehaves some, But what kid doesn't?
  • 2: She hardly ever listens. haha. Well, she does, But it takes us having to pull out the spatula at some points to remind her to listen to what we say. :)
  • 3: She does respond well to things we tell her, Just not so often as the teacher says she does.
  • 4: She never wants to eat for us, Shes so picky,and she HATES veggies.
  • 5: I cant get her to stay focused for anything!
Now, for those of you who think my daughter is just a bad kid, NO she is NOT! this is just the normal behavior of a little girl around her parents who she is comfortable with VS. her Teachers at school!

We love her so much, But I just giggled once I told the teacher her
differences at home! :) She went on to tell me Calleigh needs help learning the last 1/2 of the Alphabet, and Counting from 1 to 20 forwards and Backwards and Writing her name in Lower Case letters. They said her favorite is All upper case! Go figure. I see this all the time at home!

Now, on to my question. Since when do they teach Math problems to
Pre-K? Am I lost. I was so sure that I did not even start this until like 1st grade~! haha. Well maybe Kindergarten. Well to be honest. I cant remember. But PRE-K? they learn things earlier every year!

Once we were done with the P/T
Conference, We headed to searcy, We dropped of Girl Scout cookies with Grannah and Uncle Rush, then went to Wal-Mart, got a few groceries and some snacks for my Premier Jewelry party the next day! Then we headed off to Lowe's. picked up a White Curtain Rod for Calleigh's room and then headed off to Chic-Fil-A. YUM YUM!

Funny Story: We all know how at Chic-
Fil-A, When they are done saying something they always end by saying "My Pleasure" Well, We go thru the drive thru and of course they say, "My Pleasure" with such a sweet voice. We pull up to the window to get our food, The girl hands it to us and then says " Have a nice Night" and My spur of the moment daughter replies from the back seat so loudly with "My Pleasure". I was so embarrassed. The Cashier just giggled and b/c they have to say it says " My Pleasure" hahahaha. Yes. We laughed and I drove off, then Calleigh says " ugggg, they always say that there " So silly! I guess she has picked up on that!

Once home, We put the kids to bed and Corey and I watched The Bachelor. Which may I add, I am an EMILY Fan all the way! I really wish Brad would just end this show now and give her the Ring. they are so perfect together! For sure!

Tuesday 2-22-2011 ( A Little Laugh )

I Cleaned ALL DAY LONG for the Premiere Jewelry party that night! My house was looking and smelling good. I love when its this clean! After done, I cleaned up and waited for Lisa to arrive. She came and got all set up. The party was to start at 6:30.

Well 6:45 comes and our first guest arrives, Leah, My Sister In Law. 6:53 comes when I look at the clock and NO ONE is here!

Oh My, Could I be the Girl who Throws a Party and No One Shows????? Sadly YES!

I just looked at Lisa the Jeweler and said, "Well I don't know where anyone is, I'm so sorry" We just giggled and talked, Needless to say, No one else Came! I love doing things like this and always worry that No One will come. I have never had this problem, But This time I did! All we could do was laugh about it! Leah, Lisa and I just joked about no one coming. I have to say you can't get mad about something funny like that! We had a good time.

Corey actually came home early from his Mom and Dads so that He could be a 'Customer'. Yes. he always makes me laugh!
The night was over and Everyone LOL. Went home! Corey and I got the kids off to bed and settled in and watched the first of our many to come form NetFlix movies. Iron Man 2. It was good!

Today is Wednesday, 2-23-2011

I'm lounging at home with this sweet face,

As Corey is off at work on the Farm and Calleigh Jo is off at school~ I know this was a Boring post, But I'm pretty sure I want to at some point look into having my Blog scrap booked! So that I can always have these as memories! God Bless,


Nicki said...

If I had known you were searching for a pediatrician I would have suggested Dr. McAdams. That's who we use and his family also happens to be close friends of ours. He is great! When my daughter broke her leg back in October, he was out of the office so we had to take her to Dr. Wilkins and I just loved him! He was amazing and did such a great job of making her feel comfortable!

Okay you will probably think this is crazy, but I grew up getting warm jello when I was sick. My husband thinks this is the strangest thing but it is so soothing to me! Now when I'm sick, that's what I want! haha! I'm glad to know that it's actually not a terrible thing to give a sick child! I guess it's just what you grow up with!

Candace said...

Nicki, No worries. I Love Dr. Wilkins. He is awesome! However. are you talking about the Dr. Wilkins In the search medical center? That is not the one we use. I was just asking b/c I think he is in with Dr. McAdams! I have heard so many good things about him to. I had problems getting in with a Good Doctor that had openings for ARKids. I finally found Ben Wilkins did and Jumped on it! HA!

and No, I dont think you are crazy. LOL. I had never heard of Jello! The lady who owns the store told me to try Jello and water it down more then usual before giving it to him b/c it works like the other stuff! She's a nurse and I was like okay, I had no reason to not trust her! We never did get around to trying it, But, I have the boxes in my cabinet Just in case we have to break them out! I can't believe I didn't know it worked good! My mom pretty much knew all the tricks in the book when I was growing up. Never heard of that one though!

Always something new to try out! :)

Nicki said...

Oh ha I forget there are two Wilkins! I was talking about Ben, that's who she saw then. My boss uses him, so when McAdams couldn't get her in she suggested it to me. We had AR Kids for Anna-Kate for a bit and McAdams had no openings... so frustrating! Thankfully, she only needed to go once before we switched to Derek's insurance and she saw Doc Citty. He was good with her too. But Ben Wilkins is just an awesome doctor!

You should try the Jello next time! haha.