My loves

My loves

Monday, March 7, 2011


The past two weeks have been So beyond Busy! I dont know where to begin! Lot's has happened!

Thursday March-3-2011

Last week was so Beautiful! We Spent the Entire Day outside on Thursday, Getting ready for Yard Sale that Leah and I were Putting on this Past Friday and Saturday! The Weather was Awesome! We Started off the Day Walking, Ended up Cleaning out the Carport at her moms, Then headed home for a Quick Change on the Boys. They had played in Muddy Water and were Filthy. But that's What boys do! haha

We then headed to eat lunch at Lindsey's here in town! We just shared a Pizza! Yummy it was!
After Lunch we headed to our In-Laws house to clean out some things in the attic for the Yard Sale. The Sun was shining and a nice breeze was around. Once all of the things were ready for the Yard Sale, I took Camp and headed for the Car Wash.

For some reason, My Car Was White after I got done washing it. HA! I just knew it was Brown Before..... anyways. I can't remember the Last time my Car was this nasty! I'm usually one to keep a clean Car and Clean it once a Week or Every other week, But this Crazy up and down again, Rain or Snow Weather has kept me from that!
It smelled so nice and looked new again! :) I picked Calleigh up from School and then went home!

Camp and Calleigh played outside until 6 that night. I could not help but let them Play! It was so pretty outside. You would think they had Christmas again once I brought the Toys from around Back to the Front yard!
Corey Cut the Grass.( just a side note, I love the smell of a fresh cut yard!!!)
Smells like Spring! :) Camp road the Lawn Mower with Corey and Calleigh and I walked around the yard picking up sticks!
Once the sticks were burned, We headed in for the day!

I decided to Just run up town and grab some yummy 'Phat Daddy's BBQ' for dinner! Easy, Fast and Cheap! Sounds like a deal to me!
I put the kids in for a Bath and Camp's hands got wet then he touched the side of the WHITE tub that then turned BLACK!!! he was sooo Dirty! I don't think I have seen as much dirty water before from a kid outside playing! They both had a lot of fun!

Firday March-4-2011

Friday came and Leah and I were disappointed...... We started off Walking and let the boys play at the park some! We left soon b/c Rain drops started falling from the sky! We made it to Our Husband's Aunts house just in time to take cover by the time it really starting pouring! She brought us back to our cars soon however. We took break for Lunch and met back up after eating and started setting up! From that time on it was Drizzle all day long!
We went ahead and set up some things under the Car Port for the Yard Sale Preview that we had already planned for some friends. Some girls came and bought some things! I have to say , We did pretty good for it to just be a couple of hours!!! :) We packed up and headed home once it started getting too dark and Cold.

Saturday March-5-2011

Saturday came and this was our Actual Yard Sale!!!! WELLLLL, it didn't happen. Storms settled in the state over night and it was pure rain, thunder, lightning, wind and whatever else... So, the Yard Sale that had been planned all week was called off! We have to Re-Schedule for next week now!

The kids and I spent the day at home relaxing and cleaning. Corey helped at he Church for Church Work Day! Later on in the day after the kids got a Nap, I went in to pick camp up and He was trying to climb out of his Crib. 'Time to switch to Toddler Mode.' was the thought that crossed my mind. I took on the Daddy role for a bit while he was gone and transitioned Camp's Bed. now its a Toddler Bed! He loves it! He sleeps in it as if it were a Crib still. I thought he would be climbing out of it, But he doesn't! He's great with it!

Camp's New Toddler Bed

My dad came over later that day. I had told him to bring my Brother and I would take them out to dinner for My dad's Birthday. He bought Calleigh some Princess Puzzles and she loves them. they worked to get them both together before we went to eat!

We left for Dondies a bit later and had a small wait, once we made it to the table! We were ready to eat! We had a Great visit. It was me, the kids, My dad and my Brother! My dad's Birthday is actually today, the 7th of March, But Saturday was my open day!

Sunday March-6-2011

Church was a highly awaited thing this week! We were all so excited. The week before, My father-in-law, the pastor of the church challenged us to have 150 ppl in church the next Upcoming Sunday, Which was Yesterday! We all invited & invited & invited ppl. Once Sunday came around, the Church was packed, More Guest then actual members I think. It was Awesome! We had a great time Welcoming everyone and Worshiping the Lord and Hearing the message!

I love Sundays when you are surrounded by Members and Guests of the Church just Worshiping God! It makes for an Awesome Day!

Later in the Day, Leah and I took Sam ( My nephew, her son) and went to a Friends House Warming up town! She just bought a house with her husband and son and we all got together to shower her with gifts and look at the new Casa! I can't claim the Gift part yet though! I forgot to get mine. So Ill have to get it to her this week! :) It was good to visit with friends and see her new home! I know she's so happy. She used to live in a Trailer right down the road from us and it was much smaller then ours too! So having all that room, I know she's Blessed!

I headed home. the day went on, Army Wives Season premiered on this night! I have been waiting for the season to Start! I love that show!!!!! After this, I had to chime in on the All new Series 'Coming Home' on Lifetime. Its a Show dedicated to bringing home Soldiers and surprising their Families that have missed them for some time and had no clue they were coming home!
I cried the entire Show. It was so sweet!

& Today~ Monday March-7-2011

Today is my Dad Birthday, I had to start off the day by Sending him a Happy Birthday Text!!!!! :) he's 46 Now. Which is crazy to me! But oh well.... Calleigh was at school and I kept a friends little boy today! Ty, He was so sweet. He teared up for just a few minutes. but once he was warmed up to Camp and me, He was a Chatter Box! He just sat and was quiet most of the day, but after Corey and I took the Boys to eat lunch he was a whole different little boy! I was glad he talked.
Camp loved having him around and So did Calleigh once I we picked her up from School! She and Ty played & played!

Now: Im at home, Typing this up and wondering why in the world, I have skipped so many days! I feel as thow, I have written a Novel and I feel as thow I do on EVERY Blog! Ha! Sorry for not really having any pictures. Makes my post kinda boring! Ill be back soon!

Just a couple pics from the week!

Camp asleep in the Car after playing last week!

I left to pick Calleigh up from school, I come home and Corey shows me this on his Phone! He had set Camp up to look like he was playing games! hahaha. I had a good laugh on this one! :)

All the Best & God Bless

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