My loves

My loves

Monday, February 14, 2011

ReCap!!! A Crazy Full Fun Eventful and Blessed Weekend! How awesome is that?

This weekend was so FULL of many different Events. Where to Begin..... Let's Start with....


We were still in from Snow! This was an awesome night Thow.... All day I looked forward to the Roads De-Icing. HA. So that My friend Ginger and I could head over to little rock for the Spaghetti dinner to Benefit Ty McCullar! I prayed everything would be just right, Roads, Weather and so much more so that God could Bless this family with a GREAT turn out for little man!

Well. All in all, The day went well, I waited for Ginger to give me the Call that she was out of school and Free to go!!! That time came and She was still on GO!!!
I hopped in the Shower, Got ready so fast, Got the kiddos ready to head over and left. We picked Ginger up at her house. Stopped at Target First to by tons of birthday presents for the 3 parties we had the next day! I left that place with 6 presents total! Ha. We will get to that later though.

We leave target at around 6:45 to make it to the dinner by 7, Well, Gingers Wonderful iPhone lead us into the NOT so Right direction and took us to a dead end road in the middle of a housing addition! yes. we were lost.
We finally got back on track and made it there. I kept saying how excited I was to meet this family! God has worked so hard on me since I came across Ty's page. I mean really worked on me. I felt so honored to get to meet his parents!

We got to the door, walked in, I had Calleigh by my side who was holding the Card that held the check to the McCullars that So many had helped Donate to in her hand. Ginger had Camp in her arms for me!
I said hello to Ty's mom and introduced myself and told her how much I knew God was working on So Many people by using Ty and how I knew it was a difficult time But I knew he had a plan! She replied with something of the sort by saying, " That is why Ty has this, because, God is using him" I was so humbled. I wanted to cry and she is his mom and was able to be so strong! I have to say, Just by those few words, God has really settled in her heart and she is keeping her Faith so High!!! I love it


Ethan and Lauren McCullar (Ty's Parents)

We went on and got our dinner ticket. Made it through the LONG line and got our plate. The food was was yummy. Ginger won a Door Prize! Go Girl, Once we left we headed home. It felt so good to go and donate for the dinner, hand over a check to the family and we left buying a T-Shirt each! Awesome. The McCullar's are so blessed! I think it's safe to say, God has his hand on that Family!

All the guest at the Dinner! Amazing!

Saturday: ( mmmm. Way to much! But oh so much fun )

lets sum this up, 3 parties. Searcy, for Calleighs Friend Ellie's birthday party, Des Arc for Calleigh's Birthday party and Little Rock for Garret, Cambell and Cason's Birthday party! Yes it was a FULL eventful parting day!

I'm going to focus on my birthday girl though!

Birthday Girl!

Calleigh turned 5 on Saturday! I could not help but think back off and on all day long about her birth! She was oh so small! She was born to us at 29 weeks by a sudden surprise. We were not expecting our princess to meet us so soon.

She was Footling breach. This is where the foot is stuck in the Birth Canal! It was one of the most scariest days of my life, Yet the happiest as well!

Calleigh was born on Feb. 12. 2006 at 11:30 pm. 3lbs 7oz and 16 inches long. She was just the size of a baby doll! But smaller at the same time! Once she was born, She was rushed from White County Hospital in Searcy and her daddy and I, By the NICU from Baptist in Little Rock to their hospital!

She spent the next 4 1/2 weeks of her life in a little crib there!!!!
That was a time of Faith building, Praying and so much more depending on God then I had ever done or been at before. When a child enters your life. You have no idea the ways God all the sudden puts a complete feeling in your heart of Fully Relying on Him to carry and protect your child through their life! He's Awesome that way.

(Not a really good picture of Corey and I, But this is our little girl! she was 4 1/2 weeks old in this picture and weighed 4lbs 15oz. I think she was only 17 inches long. The picture does not do her justices. She was so Small!)

So, Here we are, 5 years later.... Shes as sassy as ever. We had a Barbie theme this year! So cute. We did More so family at this party. A few friends were there, But not as many as the past birthdays! Her daddy wanted to make her cupcakes this year. So he did, Libby made her Bigger Cupcake for her! So adorable. You need to check out her Facebook!

Calleigh sat with her friends after we sang happy birthday and ate her cake and ice cream and drank her punch. Once she was done, We had Gift time! She tore into them all and her little friends were there by her side helping her along the way!

She does not like having her picture taken!

Nothing like watching the happiness on your little girls face! I am so blessed to have my little lady at home with us today after that long, confusing and scary month of tests, shots, scans, kangaroo Care, praying, and waiting time in the hospital. God is so good to us!

Our Family!

Happy Birthday little princess! I can't believe you are already 5!

Now to Sunday:

We had church. Awesome time. I didn't get to enjoy the message this time! I took the place in nursery for another lady who was helping with potluck after service was over! However. I did get to enjoy the Worship! It was so nice! I just love feeling The Holy spirit move over the church! It's an amazing feeling!

After church was over, we had potluck, Yum! It was good visiting with friends and family! We had a few games they played at the dinner. Calleigh won and so did Corey. We took home a package of Baby Ruths and Yummy Reeces Cups. mmm mmm mmm. So good!

My friend Tasha and I

Me and the Hubbs!

I tanned later in the day and went walking with Leah! The weather was so nice! later, settled in with the family!

Last but not least, Monday: ( Happy Valentines Day everybody!!)

After being out of school for a week from the snow we recently got, I took Calleigh to school! She was so excited to go see her friends. I then went and tanned and then headed to the Gift Shop! after all, it's Valentines day!

I bought Calleigh her Very First Valentines Gift from her daddy and I to be delivered to her at her school! So much fun. We just bought her a small bag full of candy and a balloon w/ a cute card. Camp got a bag with a sweet blue puppy dog in it and a balloon and of course I had to get Corey something! What better then a Box of Chocolates and the Biggest Balloon they had in the shop!

It was of two monkeys attached together at the cheeks and their tails connected making a heart! So cute.

Later, I cleaned like a crazy woman and made my house look way better then it was looking! The weekend kinda settled over the house and it unraveled its self! Corey came home from work for lunch and opened his yummy chocolates. He liked! Camp and I headed up town for Calleigh's Valentines Party at her school! She handed out her cute Bags and Cards. It was hyper land in that room!

We headed to Leah's to let Calleigh and Camp play with Joe and Sam! It was a fun time! Sam is walking now, Way to cute, yet so Odd! he's only 8 months old and so tiny! He's catching up with his older brother and two cousins! :)

Sam Walking!

Calleigh had fun playing with Joe's Guitar! Ha

We headed home to tell Corey bye for the night! He's now working as a Volunteer for Prairie County Police! So he had to help at the district Tournament. So no Valentines Date for us! I had already told him to not buy a gift for me, However he did, Buy me a Dozen Roses over the weekend when he had a break from the games!

But, I let him know I want to get the other pieces to my bedroom set!

Someone has been in the Chocolate! :)

The kids and I headed to Searcy to buy Calleigh a gift from one of her gift cards she got from her party! She picked two movies. Strawberry Short Cake and The Reef! She had so much fun picking them out! I grabbed a few groceries and then we left for Chic-Fil-A to have dinner with my Dad! He was my Valentines Date! A good date to. We ate, Talked, Laughed and let the kids play!

Now, I'm home, telling you all about my Very Eventful Weekend. To close, I think I'm changing Camp's Dr. Monkey still has not pooped out the knob he ate 2 weeks ago today! I need a second opinion! So Say a prayer I get a good Dr tomorrow! God Bless,

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