My loves

My loves

Monday, January 24, 2011

Praying for Ty!

Im stil praying hard for this little guy! He just melts my heart! So precious. He did not get a real good report this week! His Cancer that was favorable a few days ago made a turn for the worse. Now at a stage 4 and High Risk, Hes began his Chemo! I belive he and his family are still in Chicago awaiting to come back home! Please Remember Him! ONLY GOD can heal this little blessing! His eyes will melt your heart and his Smile is so Contagious! I really feel The Lord has such Great plans for his Life! I told his parents that Just because the Cancer is at a stage 4 does not mean God cant still Work, If anything, He will have even a Bigger Testimony to preach one day! :) Cant wait to see this little mans pics of him at home playing hard and running around with Nothing holding him back!

God Bless!
Make a Donation!!! :)


Sweet Ty and His Honey I believe! (AKA Grandma) Hes so Precious

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