My loves

My loves

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Prayers and Donations for Ty

Ever since I came across this little man's page on facebook, God has had him on my heart everyday! There has not been a day go by that I have not prayed for him or checked the status of his Facebook page and blog that his family set up to share his story. I find my self everyday praying and checking for Praise Reports!

His name is Ty. He is only 16 months old and so handsome! He has the most beautiful eyes and sweet smile! His story will break your heart, Yet I believe God is using this situation to humble many and bring several to HIM (Jesus) ! Its in hard times that we grow stronger to our Lord! I know his family Loves him dearly by reading what they post about him! I know if it were me or my son, I would pray that we would have as much support as this family has! They are truly Blessed. I have shed so many tears just thinking about him! He has had some great reports this week and is about to begin Chemo tomorrow I think!

His family updates a Blog they have set up for him called, Our little man. They are real good at posting about any updates, Test Results, How he is doing, and so many Sweet Sweet Pictures of him! They have set up an account to help raise Donations to help with the Financial Stress they have! I am getting ready to make my donation. But I want my donation to mean something. I have been praying since I read about Ty's condition for the Lord to send me an amount to donate to this family! The Lord knows the stress and worries and hearts of this family better then any of us! I cant wait to see how much he tells me to give! He works is great ways!

They are also having a benefit Dinner in Little Rock to help raise funds as well! please read over the flier they have created!

Please take a look at this little man's Blog and read Ty's Story, and maybe even make a donation!
Thank you all,

Candace Skarda

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