My loves

My loves

Monday, January 31, 2011

Looking Back! Phone pics!

I finally figured out how to upload my pictures from my phone to my computer. You would think I already knew this, But I didn't! there has to be a way you can upload to Blogger! Hints, If anyone knows please share! I just thought these were cute. Some I had forgotten were on my phone. So they are almost a year old and they are out of order! I just wanted to share them with you! Enjoy!

Must be sleepy!

Me and my Momma!

Camp had to get tubes! Poor baby, But Grannah and Mommy were there. I cant help but think how cute he is in this little gown!

Short visit with Grannah at her office!

Wanting to jump on the trampoline!

Riding the Ranger with Leah and the kids. we didn't realize until after we looked at the picture later that she had my kids next to her and I was holding hers! Ha! Summer Fun!

Lovins from my nephew Sam! He loves giving me some sugars!

Never a dull Moment! I was getting ready for dinner with my Husband, Kids, Sister and Brother-In-Law. She text me a simple picture asking if her outfit looked okay! I sent back with 'Wam Bam thank ya mam, Does mine look okay?' LOL! needless to say she laughed. Little did I know we went to eat dinner later and my closest friends were there to share in the day with me. Surprise! I had no clue!

Little Brother misses his Big sister while she's gone to school. He disappeared on me and I found him in Calleigh's room on her bed with the TV/Movie on, that he did himself just relaxing and watching it! I thought it was so cute!

Waiting on Aunt Leah and the boys to go Walking! This is what we do when Calleigh is at school!

Camps 1 year Check up! Im sure he was not ready for the shots, But he was a trooper and did great!

Love that Face!

Im a proud momma! Shes adorable!

Calleigh likes to take pictures of things with my phone and this is what i found !

Date night with Mommy, Daddy and Calleigh! Ate at larry's pizza and then headed to watch Shrek in 3D. We had a fun night, other then Calleigh not wanting to wear the glasses in the movie! I know her poor eyes had to hurt!

Waiting on lunch with Daddy!

So Calleigh and I had to take pics of each other while waiting on daddy to get to the fish market for lunch! and Please over look the crazy no make up and non fixed hair!

Cake for my brother's Graduation. Once again, Made by Libby! Shes Awesome!

Had to visit Ginger! Camp just plopped down and had a seat!

This is what the kids do when in Hobby Lobby! pretty sure Calleigh is so amused by these two babies!

Shame on me, Had lunch with a friend and I left our bib at home! so the Result? Use Lolas? He will not be happy with me one day! :)

Sweet Girl!

How can you not resist to capture this moment! My nephew Joe loves his rain boots and eat his pudding! I love him so much!

Sleepy Baby!

So the down side to a trailer, You have to camp out at poppie and lulu's every time a Tornado Warning is issued, The Upside, Calleigh gets to play with all lulu's clippy's and put up her hair!

Hanging with Uncle Rush!

Mommy and Camp after dinner at Los Montonos!

Calleigh and Camp all over Aunt Eleica! Fun Times!

Sweet boy fell asleep on my Chest! To precious!

My pretty girl on the way to little rock I believe! Love her so much!

Welcome to the Family Sam!

Our Bedroom set we just sold, Not the bedding thow, That's my project in action. Ill update once the new bed makes it to our home and the bedding is finished! :)

So super cute nephew Sam and his so funny Passy! Gotta Love it!

Camp is just relaxing in his PJ's Grannah bought him!!

I cleaned out the Frig and this i what I get! Nothing but Gallon of Milk, a snack jello and a container of Mushrooms! and a sweet little boy who is so eager to sit anywhere that im working! (we re-stocked that night)

We all do silly things when we are preggo, My sister really set the bar high with this stunt! LOL. we ate at Old Chicago with my mom and i asked her for the Parmesan cheese shaker, without skipping a beat, she was in the middle of listening to me talk and reached for the cheese, gave it to me and picked up her glass and stuck it in the cheese holder! Yes we laughed so hard! She then realized what she did and it was the Joke of the Day! Love you sis!

Camp's new found 'Look', Its pretty funny in person!

enjoying dinner with my two!

I gave him a cupcake and he gave me a mess!

Reaching hard for a cupcake!

Makes the shopping days a little more relaxing! :)

and yes. out again for a shopping day!

Someone has been watching daddy pay games to much!

Every kid loves Baked Spaghetti!

Calleigh made a sign for her new cousin on the Way!

Love this Smile!

This is Calleigh's pile of hair she thought needed to be gone from her pretty head of hair!

This is what happens when a little someone decides its time for a trim!

My two Sweet kiddos watching the Snow Fall!

Where's your bellybutton Camp?

Mommy and Daddy's Princess! Love her so much!

Me and Ginger on a Wedding Shoot and the Yummy cake on top was left over from the wedding! One of the many joys of Wedding Photography! :) Everyone needs to check out Blue Cake Company!

Corey's favorite dirty santa gift! Haha!

Ginger and I tend to get treats after lunches when we go out. silly us. We love Blue Cake Company and used to get a slice of cake each and the eat them both. haha! That day we tried out Cupcakes on Kavanaugh! Ummmmmmmmmm, Worth trying everyone!

Day of Christmas shopping with Ginger, Had to try out Cheers in the Heights! So yummy!

Had to try out the Ice Skating in Little Rock for the Winter season. We had a blast!

Tasha and Corey lacing up! These are our friends from town, They were our Ice Skating buddies! and Yes, Her husbands name is Corey to! :)

Relaxing with daddy n the couch, Gotta have daddy / son time!

Camp's favorite way to enjoy a snack, Laid back watching Nick Jr.

Ginger got a new Hair style, First time to ever do Highlights. She had to come show them off. Her hair dresser is great with color, Check her out! Jeanette Petrus, Owns, The Big Teeze

Silly girl of mine! She loves to pose

Along for the Shopping trip! I eat it up while I can. One of these days he will only want to go with dad to shop for sports and hunting stuff. Im pretty sure he only enjoys Hobby Lobby b/c there is soooooo much to BREAK!

Just a Cute little dinning room table I one day wan to get, But im happy with what I have now. I just thought it was cute!

Camp loves some Cheese Dip!

Corey and his wonderful Birthday cake by Libby! Happy 26th Sweetie!

yes we are silly, But Its my one and only Sister and Best Friend Ginger! at gauchos for my Hubbs birthday dinner!

Had to take a funny pic with my new phone! He's so silly!

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