My loves

My loves

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blessed Weekend

So this weekend has been one of the best in a long time! Here is how our past few days went!


The day was so Nice, Calleigh was off at school and Corey off at work, My friend Crystal and her little girl were supposed to come hang out with me and Camp, But the sick bug showed up at there house unexpectedly~ Sadly they could not come, So I decided to make my day Productive! Corey and I sold our Bedroom set so needless to say, Our room was a Mess. You can tell from my last post with our Luxury Pallet and clothes everywhere! So I began. the Windows were opened and i began to clean! When all was done, I packed up 8 trash bags of clothes and 3 boxes of junk to sale in a yard sale next Sat. My room and closet were clean. Later that day, We headed to Bobby T's in Searcy to look for a mattress. I was Praying we could find a Good, dependable King Size for a reasonable Price! as soon as we got there, We walked in and the first one we found We fell in love with it. The Owner gave us $150.00 off the price. It was good. Not only that. We had prepared ourselves for another night on the Pallet, and Corey to pick it up sat. morning. But, They were done with other deliveries and said they could deliver it to us that night. So later Friday night. we slept in Comfort! I'll admit, it was a little nicer then the tons of lumpy sized pillows laid out under 10 blankets on the floor~ :) The hubbs and kids and I headed to Dondies for a fast dinner. It was good. I have to say, Our kids were surprisingly good the whole time! Which was nice for a change. Oh and I also forgot to add, I got my bed ordered and after being told twice it would take 2 - 3 weeks for it to come in, He shocked me and said, Well , Good news, It will be here next Wed. Yay. I was excited! Cant wait to get it in!


This was another AMAZING day in the Lord. Corey decided to head out to a Gun Show with the guys. So in turn, The kids and I spent the day around town! I never get to just take them anywhere on my own for lunch. So I asked Calleigh , " Do you want to get ready and me, you and camp can go eat lunch? " of course she answered yes! So We got ourselves together and headed out. We made a fast stop at a neat little boutique uptown, I was looking for some cute Photography props. Which I found one and I cant wait to get it! Hopefully, i just need to go pick it up. Its going to be so cute for newborn pics! Next, Off to eat! Those of you that know me, You know im not one to go eat in a restaurant by myself or without another adult. :) But I did it. Calleigh, Camp and I ate at our towns Favorite little restaurant, Lindseys, YUM we had a Medium 1/2 cheese 1/2 supreme pizza. Needless to say, it was DELISH! they changed out the cheese and it was so yummy!

Leah and Joe came to pop in for just a bit and ordered a pizza as well. We left and went to Brin Brins AKA leahs' mom! we let the kids play and bang on pots and pans. The loved it, Not to sure our ears and eyes did. :)

after a little while there. I took the little ones home for a Nap. They laid right down and I got ready for a Date with my Hubbs! Later that night, Corey was home, Kids ready and Me to. We left for Searcy. We dropped the kids off at my Mom's and she kept them for a little while. Its always nice to get out for a little bit by ourselves. Calleigh kept saying, "Mommy, is daddy taking you on a Hot Date?" she made me laugh so much! We ate dinner a chilis and it was so Good, I had to top it off with dessert. Chocolate Chip Paradise Pie! Um Um Good!

We then headed to the Movies, Got our tickets and then headed in. Keep in mind. We thought the movie started at 6:45. So we arrived at 6:20 by 6:45 we notice it is only us and two other ppl in the movie. I leaned over and told Corey, " Looks like we picked a boring movie" haha. So 6:50 comes and it still had not started. we were starting to get upset, But waiting Patiently, 7:00 comes and ppl start coming in, I get on my phone and pull up my so helpful 'Movie App' and find out that our movie that started at 6:45 actually started at 7:30. Wow, we were laughing so hard at ourselves! So after an hour and 10 minutes in the movie theater, it starts and not even half way through We left! FYI. do not watch The Mechanic. It was not for us. To much killing and language. Sorry, but its not my type of movie! I just felt Guilty watching it. Besides. My head was down almost off of it that we were there. So we got up and left and headed to Wal Mart. We were about to add a new addition to our family! Jinx. My long ago Cat that Corey bought me like 9 years ago. Ha! my mom has had her since We have been married and We decided we wanted her Back. So we had to get a litter box, hair brush, and much more! After leaving, We ran into some old friends. One of Corey's friends from High School. Long time no see. We had a long convo in the parking lot just laughing and sharing stories from the past! We picked up the kids finally and made our way home. Then we decide to Bathe the CAT! Wow, BIG BIG Mess up. So much Hair, Picture this. Im in the Bathtub holding down the Cat, Corey is wetting her, Im scrubbing her with the Shampoo, Then drying her off, She actually did well, Other then the Blow Dryer blowing HAIR EVERYWHERE! Corey disappeared and came back with the RAINBOW! LOL, he plugs in the Vacuum cleaner and is sucking up the Hair flying in the Air and off of her. hahahahaha. I would brush her and he was right there to suck up the hair on the brush! It was crazy, But Shes all fresh now! I forgot to mention another excitement of my Saturday, I also ordered my Prayers for Ty Bracelet that a girl on Facebook had made! I'm so excited to get it in. They are only $5.00. I wanted to help somehow, and thought How neat it would be to wear it everywhere and when people ask about what it means, I get to share his sweet Story and ask for their Prayers! I cant wait. You can order yours by this link and scroll down on the page to see who to email for! Prayers for Ty.


We started the day off by going to church! WOW, Did God move today! I just love services like this. Luckily my mother in law had nursery so Camp was okay with staying in today. In return, I was able to listen and get the message today! The topic? Are you really Changed and a Child of God? My Father- In-Law had one to many good points that just stuck out to me today,(In case you didnt know, my father-in-law is the pastor at our church) I would think Several others as well. . When the message was over, He played a video for us to watch about the Judgment Seat. You should all watch. It really makes you think about the choices in life we make from day to day! I dont think there was a Dry Eye in the House. My brother- in- law , Adam, stood up and spoke something from his heart that he felt the Lord tell him to share with us all, As he spoke it all, He began to Cry and cry and I was crying, My husband crying and I could hear all the sniffles and see the tears around me! The Holy Spirit was there today and it was Amazing!
We then headed to the In'Laws for a good lunch! it was so good. Prepared by my mother- in- law! She's a good cook! we enjoyed our time around the dinner table sharing stories and laughing at each other! It was good, The day then moved on to a Reception for Corey's Cousin Micah and His new Wife Candace! :) The whole family came together to share gifts and laughs and Cake! I could not help but look around and see all the love and support of family! Its so great! After-wards we came home. Camp laid down at 6:30 bc he did not have a nap all day, and passed out! He is still sleeping. I feel like this will be another 13 hour Sleep for him! Calleigh and I laid in My bed and passed out to. She stayed asleep. I woke up 3 hours later and am still wide awake. Hints the Post! its been an overall GREAT weekend! Im truly blessed for all that I have. My Family, Friends, Church and most of all, God's Grace!

Hope you all have a Wonderful Week,

God Bless,

A few things to remember in prayer:
Ty McCullar and his Family! (Blog)

Our Church, (Gospel Mission Church in Des Arc, I feel the Lord has something so big for us in store)
My Husbands New job ( He is starting on the Farm for his dad in the morning )
My Family in general!

Whats your Prayer Request?

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