My loves

My loves

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

WOW!!! So Random

Alright, This will be a Very Random Post. Its been a Few days or weeks since my Last one, So I will share with you some things that I have noticed / Loved and so on here lately! 


I can't say what it is, But Corey & I received and Answered Prayer a Few weeks ago. and NO, I'm Not pregnant! After our Sad Loss from this most Recent Baby, We do want another Tiny Sweet Person in our Home, But I think we have both Decided to wait just a Bit longer and let God Handle that area! :) After All, He knows our Future Best!

But, Back to the Answered Prayer, We have been Praying for this for a little over 2 Years and after Asking for God's Will to be done in our Lives, He finally brought it forth in HIS timing! b/c Again, He knows us Best! God  Never gives his Children more then they can handle, So I always Search for his WILL in our lives so that we know we are on the Right Path! But As Much as I want to Share it all with you..... It will be a little While longer before I do, Trust me... IT WILL MAKE A BIG POST! Sometime this Summer


Our Sweet Babies have gotten Sick. :( Calleigh started Running Fever this Past Sunday and it got Worse with time! Lots of Coughing and Belly aches, I took her sweet Self to the Dr. Yesterday and My sweet Princess tested positive for Strep Throat! BUMMER... I felt so bad for her, However, Weird thing is that she has not once mentioned a Soar Throat or anything about that area. I had them Test Camp to rule him out, I figured as much as This boy climbs all over his Sister, He's bound to get it at some point, Well, He already did! and his Case was WORSE!

 Calleigh at the Doctor, Poor girl is so Flushed with Red Cheeks. Camp on the Right, Showing off his New Belt he got! He loves it!

REALLY??? This Child has been as normal as could be, Still doing all his Funny things and climbing, Yelling, Flipping, Running, Jumping, Singing and so on... Not one time has he ran Fever, Acted sick at all or even not had an appetite! He did have a runny nose for about a week but that's all! The Doctor agreed with me that He and Calleigh Must have a High Pain Tolerance! So there for, We are Home with Sick Kiddos, Today seems to be the BEST day so far for Calleigh, She can go back to School tomorrow as long as her Fever is Gone!


This past Saturday Night, We had a YOUTH 1 Year Celebration at our Church... Awesome is an Understatement! You could just Feel God's Presence among everyone! I love that feeling, But the Group that led Worship Sang this Song.... ( Matt Redman's 10,000 Reasons ) PLEASE LISTEN... 
Well the Leaders Wife, Posted this on Facebook yesterday and of course I Immediately Clicked on over to the link and Listened.... I love it! Later in the Day, out of no where, I heard my Two Sweet Little Voices in the other Room Singing together....

 "Bless the Lord Oh My Soul" (calleigh) "Bless the Lord oh my Houl" (Camp), He can't really pronounce his S's just yet.... 

As I listened and began to Thank Jesus for our Two Beautiful Children, I hear Calleigh say...

 "Camp, Good Job, But it's Soul... Not Houl...." Camp says... " Otay Calleigh" 

These Words Melted my Heart! 

On our way to the Dr. They Begged me to find that song, I played it over and over for them, I just sat in my Front Seat and Cried hearing their Sweet Voices Sing to their Jesus! I for one am a Proud Momma to know that my Babies are taught about their Jesus and how he Loves them and to know that they Love him back and to sing to him Means more to me then any Worldly thing on this Earth!

We listened to this song all day, At Bed time they wanted to hear it again, So I played it on my phone for them and they just got so Calm and Sang so Quietly yet so Sweetly to Jesus! I just laid their and Listened to them!


Calleigh was teaching Camp a Song today, after she told him the words she would have him repeat it back to her... once finished, if he got it right, She would then say to him....

"Good Job bubba, I'm so Proud of you"

The Smile on his Face was priceless every time she said it to him. I sat and thought to myself that it Blesses me to hear her Inspire him and encourage him to do right and lets him know she is Proud of him! It saddens me when I hear parents at times talk down to their Kiddos, I don't know why or how they could, But Hearing Calleigh Tell her little Brother that, Lets me know she has picked up on Her Mommy & Daddy telling her , How Proud we are of her and she is doing such a Great Job! This just made me so Proud yet again of my Little Ones!

and Fifth... This is the Randomness of this Post!

For some WEIRD reason... don't ask why, But I have all the sudden taken a Liking to Ironing... Ha. I know right, bet you didn't see that coming. I iron alot, But all the Sudden these past two weeks I have ironed more in them then My whole Life I think... Call me Crazy, But I Find it soooo Stress Relieving! Not to mention, My kids Clothes, Husbands Clothes and Mine are all Crisp with NO wrinkles at all! Ha

Yes, I bet you finally thought, " Well there is the Laugh of the Post " :) 

I hope everyone has a Blessed Week

All the Best & God Bless,

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