My loves

My loves

Friday, April 8, 2011

To Play or Not To Play!!! This is the Question

So Wednesday when I took Calleigh to School, her teacher had asked us to sign her up for Softball! Calleigh was just as excited as I was! I hurried home, Told Corey and he too was pumped for it! The day passed by & once Corey was home from the Farm, We got ready and Picked our little player up from school and went strait for Searcy!

We decided that was the only time we had a chance to go and get her things for her New Sport! :) We got to hibbets, and went strait or the Cleats! She had so much fun picking them out, Then to the Gloves, then the Balls, Then the Bats, and then the Bag! HA!

She was So ready for her Very First Practice the next day!

Once Corey Checked out, He was to! Wooo, Let's just say, this stuff is not Cheap! YIKES! Once we got out the door Corey said jokingly!

" And so it begins "

I said:

" And so What begins?"

He then told me:

" The Part in Life where you Pay out the WAZOO For your kids sports Every Year"

hahaha. We giggled and said, It would be better to pay for them to be in something they Love then it would be for them to be off into trouble somewhere! :)

once we were done, We made a Fast Run to WHERE??????

OH YES!!!! Chick-Fil-A!

HA! I know, I know. I always eat here! But it was Corey's first time since they have been in Searcy, and if my Hubs makes an offer for Fast food , AKA Chick-Fil-A, I'm not turning it down!

All 4 of us went in and the kids played some and then we all ate! Soooo, YUMMY

Afterwards we headed home! Corey grabbed his glove and Calleigh's too! They both went out to Play Catch and show Calleigh what to do! She Loved it, Other then the first time Her daddy through the Ball to her, He missed & Hit her in the head!

OUCH! Poor baby! She did shed some Tears! I was about to think, she was done and would never try again! I was wrong, She went strait for it! I am just so excited for her to get her season started!

Thursday, April 4, 2011

So, This marks the First Practice Day! I picked Calleigh up from school, Went home, got her ready for Practice! My Sweet Princess looked so cute in her Shorts, T-Shirt , Cleats and her Bag! I'm a little partial, But I think she was the cutest! But then again, I bet Every Mom out there thought they same! :)

Well, Lets just say, Practice did not go as well as I thought it would! Calleigh was so shy, She didn't want me to leave the field! I was by her side the first 20 minutes we were there! Her little friend that she goes to school with kept trying to get her to be her Partner! But Calleigh was not having it!

UHHHHHHH, Please just play Calleigh! that's What I was thinking!

So after standing on the field, Her hiding behind my shirt, pulling my shirt b/c she was shy & nervous, I was finally able to walk back to the Bleachers without her tagging behind! She was finally tossing the Softball back & forth with her friend! I thought,

"Wooo, I thought she was never gonna play! Yay. Now were good"

Wrong! She then takes a Break and runs to the Bathroom, Which is fine! but The down side is that she never wanted to go back on the field! After getting on to her and standing on the field again , I just sat in the Dugout with her and made her watch what they were doing! :(

My dad showed up and tried his best to get her all excited but it was not happening! He said,

" Candace, She's Just not ready. Just give her time and bring her back. She will eventually want to play."

As much as I knew my dad was right, I was still frustrated! HA, don't get me wrong, I love my daughter so much, & I will not make her do a sport that she does not love! I promised myself a LONG time ago, I would not be 'That Parent'

I just wanted her to have fun, & deep inside, I knew her daddy would not show it to her, But he would be upset after spending that money! Oh Well!

Once home..... She was back to Normal Ol' Calleigh! I should have known! She says she wants to go back to her next practice! I plan on taking her. I just hope maybe that time she will be so excited to play!....

So I guess the Question is.......

To Play or Not To Play.... HUMMMMM

All the Best & God Bless,


kelciehuff said...

Surely next time she will want to join in! I know she looks cute out there!

Candace said...

HaHa! I know it. I sure hope so! I know she will have fun and yes. She was soooo cute out there! :)