My loves

My loves

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

~ Praise God, An Awesome Week It has Been ~

Ok. So I have so many different things I have to share with you all. First off I get to share some Great Exciting News with you all. I don't know if you remember My post about two people that were real close to me that found out they were expecting and then soon after telling the family, the had the sad experience of a Miss carriage. Well. I said in that Blog that in that situation, They won either Way. The way the won was by drawing Closer To God. I also said that When God saw fit, He would Bless them both with the most perfect baby just for them. So that has been about 2 months ago i guess.

Okay, For the Week To start!!!! I was at home the other day just sitting on the Couch and got on Facebook to catch up. Well I see my great family/friend and pull her up to chat. were talking, well im talking. she was scattered in her wording. My first thought " Shes Pregnant" well i don't say anything until she keeps getting her words so messed up. LOL I finally say, " Are you pregnant? " LOL. funny thing, She answers back I was just calling you. So my Phone rings, I pick it up and walla, it is her. She then proceeds to tell me..... " IM Pregnant" OH my Goodness. I was so happy for them. I was told not to say anything until she had an ultrasound. So truth be told, Ive known this now for about 2 weeks i think and Kept it to myself, well the appointment came and went and she called and such a blessing. This Baby is fully intact and believed to be about 6 weeks along, with a healthy heart beat. So Amazing. Im so happy for them. She is said to be due sometime around Sept. 16th. as for now. she goes back in about 3 weeks for another ultrasound to make sure all is well and tell her a more real Due Date. However. Im just so thankful that God did pick a baby up in Heaven and Placed it in her sweet belly to grow and become more sweeter every day. I cant wait to meet the new addition to our family. Congratulations Lucas and Carrie. God Bless.

Now Secondly, I have been praying so long now for God to hear me on some things. I think i may have mentioned something about this in my last post, But anyways. More in detail now. I have recently taking up Photography. I love it. that is all I can say. so Behind the Scenes. I have been praying so much for God to just Allow me to see what the plan is he has set for me to follow. And In these Prayers I have also asked him so many times, " God, Why is it I feel like you are not hearing me and not listening, Why is it We don't just talk to each other the way others do with you?" well yesterday im getting ready to spend a day with my mom, sister and lil guy. I take a break and Check my Facebook, I have an inbox from someone i have no idea who she is. Her message starts by telling me how impressed she is with my pics i have been taking, then leads to a website to order pics thru. something i have once again been praying for, then later sends me another message to tell me about editing programs she uses, Once again, Something Else I had been praying for, and then as soon as i get done reading the message, I look ahead and see a Map unfolding on the road, God was showing me the Map he was Unfolding for me and that he has me on the Path he wants me on, HE then proceeds to tell me " You are going to do Photography, You are going to be so great at it, You will minister my word to so many people thru this plan i have for you, You will go so many places with this, Your family will be fully taken care of and provided for. Do not worry or fear, Because This will support your family in so many ways, Stay Focused and I will Bless you with this" Wow, The thoughts in my mind. " Did he really just say all that to me, is this for real?" Yes it is, Because after wondering that, He proceeded to tell me the same thing again, then told me " Im talking to you, I have heard your every Prayer and Request and Im talking to you" I broke down and cried so much. Im so excited about this i cant explain how happy I am. God Is My Soul Provider and Is there in all that I ask of him. it may have taken a few months to get that Answer, But once I did, It was all worth the Wait. Im so Ready to start this New adventure. Ill be thinking of a Name for My new found Intrest. Getting a Picture Account set up to order thru and get and account set up for my business. Please Keep my in your Prayers. I see this going so Far, I cant wait. Thank you all for the wonderful people that you all are.

God is great, this week has been amazing. Lets just count the blessings so far
1: My family is expecting once again
2: I have been told what it is I will be doing (Photography)
3: My Friend and her Husband have found Love once again and are doing so Great!
4: My Friend I have, has been in a crazy divorce situation, Sum it up. all for his money, but as of yesterday. All is done with
5: My sister in law is having a Great Pregnancy. No Problems
6: I have two healthy Children
7: My Husband and I are doing So great
8: I have tons of friends about to Give Birth to Gods Next Generation.
9: I have another friend in Texas that has been praying for things and God has been revealing them to her.

What a Wonderful Way to bring in the new year. Get excited with me folks. God has Blessings to poor out to us.

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