My loves

My loves

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

6 Month Check up For Lil Campers

So today is January 20, 2010. We had an appointment today, A 6 Month Checkup for may Sweet Growing lil man. We have been a little Behind. He was sick the last two appointments so it put us behind a bit. Given My Little Man will be 7 Months on Friday. Well First off I prayed last night All would Go great today. A Clean Bill of Health, No Congestion, Since it had been the last Two times. and Most of All, No Ear Infections. He has had 2 in the past two months. Well we make it there to our 9:00am appointment and check in. We are called back to check all his measurements. Great news. Hes Defiantly Growing. Hes Now weighing in at 22lbs 3oz and measuring 27 1/2 inches long with a 44cm Head Circumference. Wow. Big Boy. the Dr tells me, "You have a Healthy Little Boy" "He is in the 95th Percentile on weight and length. So much from my small 6lb 11oz 20 1/2 inc little baby boy I Gave birth to only yesterday it seems. I asked her if all was well in that area she said "Great, you will have a Tall Huskey Little Boy" so sweet yet so sad. I love my Campers. Hes my Boy. Momma's Boy. well turns out the checkup came with some negatives. Yes. Another Ear Infections. Uggg. I feel So bad for him. Given That I have No idea he has them. Must have a High Pain Tolerance. He follows his mommas footsteps there. But Dr. Luy says to give him his Antibiotic and in a Month Return and if they are not cleared up then we will venture to the Ear Doctor. So Prayers for My little Guy. I love him dearly. Hes daddy and I don't want to have to opt off to Tube Land. Pictures to Come Soon.

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