My loves

My loves

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Camp's First Hair Cut

Our little guy got his first hair cut today! He is almost 19 months old. I have put it off and put it off, Just telling myself that the first haircut means they are not a baby anymore! My husband, Corey kept begging me to cut it. Granted, He did have some fly a ways and a few curls here and there! but I just could not stand the thought of getting rid of them!

So today I changed my mind. I told corey we could do it, I, However, Wanted to take him to a salon and have his Very First Haircut with a stylist. haha, Corey , however, wanted to do it himself! So after much begging me. I gave in. I mean, What is more sweet then a first hair cut from Daddy?

We plopped Camp up on the counter in his Bumbo and gave him some TRIX cereal! haha. It kept him still! I grabbed the Camera and Corey got the Scissors. after a few snips and 'Be Still Camp's . We were done! He did so good, His little bangs are even now, He has a strait hairline in the back and all the sweet curls from the sides of his head are gone around his ears! He for sure looks like a sweet little boy!

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