My loves

My loves

Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Fathers Day!

This Is a Special Post for My Hubby and Father of my two Children! I have to say, Spending Fathers Day with you is one of the best Days of the year!!!! Its a Day that me and the Kids get to Wake up and Be first to say.... 'Happy Fathers Day' You have Proved yourself Such an Amazing Husband and Father in the Past 4 1/2 Years! I remember being Pregnant with Calleigh and laying in Bed at Night Just talking to you about her! All I could say was... 'Just be the Best Daddy a Girl Could Ask for, I want you to be her Prince and the One she Comes to In sad times In her Life, I want her to Know you as the One who Helps Fixes her Problems. Show her Who You are, So that She Will know Who her Heavenly Father Is' Babe. that has been only yesterday it seems. This Year we got to Add another little Voice to the Mix.. Camp! Now you have Two Sweet Little Voices to say Happy Fathers Day! I know as much as you have Proven Yourself with Calleigh you will be an amazing Dad With Camp! I just Love How Calleigh Looks at you when she is in her silly Moods and acting like a Princess. In her eyes You are her Prince! She told me the Other Day When she gets Older, She will Marry You! That to Me is such a Sweet Remark. Shows that She Loves you with all her Heart! I know that You Love our Children so Very Much! All that you sacrifice just to make sure they are Fed, Clothed and a roof over their Tiny Heads. Its Just Wonderful to me! I love how when we are in Wal Mart, You always ask your princess if she would like any Capri Suns. and the next thing you say is ' I like to do things for my Daughter' That just melts my heart and makes me Fall In Love with you Even More! I love How You try so much to Be with Camp and Hold him and help with him Even knowing, Hes gonna reach right back for me. haha! What can I say, Hes a mommas Boy! :)))) But it never Fails, You are always still there to help when I need you! you are so Amazing to me, I love you So much. Thank You so much for all you do for us! We love you so much, Happy Fathers Day..

Love, Candace!

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