My loves

My loves

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Week of Blessings

Well, This past week has been full of blessings. To start off with, things have been just a little tight in our home hear lately, but God always Comes thru. I sent up a prayer to my heavenly father that he would send some work my way to make some extra money.and yes you may think im referring to my photography. God, has shown me that is what he has planned for my life, however at the moment. its Cold and no one wants to book, so we needed a little extra income in the meantime. Well, as i said, i sent up my request and my God came thru. Just a few hours later i was asked to Clean a ladies house, she attends our church and is a Godly woman. I of course agreed to doing it. May take a few hours to do so, but at the end, it helps Pay the bills. Later on that same week, i received a message on Facebook from another woman i knew of and she was asking the same thing, If i would clean her house. So, I met with her yesterday and all worked out and i start Friday. Cleaning to some may stink, but to me, im Game, Pays the Bills and i get a blessing out of helping someone else with something. The best part is i can take my kids with me to both places. Thats a Plus.

We had a Dr. appt. last week for the kids. Camp- to get his ears checked and see what may be wrong with them, or if he was all clear, Praise God, again, All Clear. he has had 3 ear infections in the past 3 months. our next stop was gonna be the ear doctor. but as good as God is, No ear doctor for camp at the moment. Calleigh had to have her 4 year check up. wooo, not so on the good side, She screamed, kicked, yelled, thru a fit. Got to spankings before she even got to them saying, you have to get shots. it was horrible. the dr. told me her behavior was unacceptable. I was not a happy momma, Shot time came and it took, me and a nurse to hold her down and the other nurse to give the shots. I felt bad for her at that moment, but man, that was a crazy visit. Good News is, If she keeps growing at the rate she is now, she's predicted to be about 5ft 8in. her daddy was happy about that. after the checkup. we made a fast trip thru McDonalds, Grabbed a Happy meal and headed for the Park. they had so much fun. The weather was so great.

Camp turned 8 months old yesterday. IM so happy for my lil guy, yet so sad too, hes getting too big to fast. but i love every day i get to spend with him. all the new things hes learned this month, he rolls and rolls and rolls and rolls all over the place. trying to crawl, he cut his first tooth this month and is about to cut another. he screams as loud as can be at home and plays all the ladies at church with hes so good behaving little self. I just love him. I cant believe hes almost 1.

A friend messaged me last night that i have been praying for and decided to tell me she rededicated her life last night. I was so happy for her. she had been trying so hard lately to do well, and God is working on her, i can just feel it and see it. SHes so excited about her new adventure to start walking.

We celebrated Valentines Day as well, Mine and Coreys time was explained in the previous post. but the Kids each got a bag of candies from thier LULU. they both loved them all, camp mainly wanted to chew on all of as calleigh wanted to eat all of it. they were bot to cute. I have to say, they are our Valentine's.

My sweet Cinderella turned 4 this past week. shes now a big girl in her little eyes. just love her so much. we celebrated with many more little princess's at our church for her birthday party. she had a room full of gifts, silly little girls, and a yummy cake. She was blessed with many things. but once again. it does not seem 4 years ago already that she was born. I love her so much and pray many good things upon her life.

Well. the week has been busy, but so worth it. I have more exciting news, just cant say yet. check back and im sure it will let out at some point.

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